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Guild Insurance and the Pharmacy Profession

View the Pharmacy Scope of Practice Coverage

For over 60 years, Guild Insurance has supported Australia’s pharmacy profession through everything you do. Together with the PGA, we’ve worked hard to ensure our policies protect and reflect pharmacists’ real-life needs.

Now that the PGA-driven scope of practice changes are live, we understand that, yet again, the real-life needs of pharmacists have changed, but our support hasn’t. All Guild customers who participate in an approved scope of practice pilot can do so with confidence, knowing their insurance policy will still protect them.

What’s a Scope of Practice Pilot?

Scope of practice pilots will continue to evolve as state and federal governments and their agencies continue to work with our profession. In Queensland right now, community pharmacists who have undertaken 12 months of additional training can offer additional services to patients for a number of conditions, including school sores, shingles, mild psoriasis, wound management, swimmer’s ear, weight loss management, and hypertension, among others. It is these types of programs that Guild has committed to support through the addition of an additional benefit.

An Additional Benefit for Guild Customers

To provide cover certainty, the policy wording we apply to all Guild Pharmacy Business policies includes an additional benefit for ‘Scope of Practice Pilots’. If you’re already insured with Guild, this benefit is automatically applied. If you are not with Guild, you should ask your insurer if they can say the same.

If you’d like to find out more about Guild’s exclusive support of pharmacy’s scope of practice pilots download this document, or if you’d like to be protected by a policy that is tailor made for Australian pharmacists, call a Guild insurance specialist on 1800 810 213.