Product features


Professional indemnity

$20 million dollars cover for any single claim arising from dental treatment provided by you that falls within your day-to-day scope of practice as permitted by your DBA registration. Your policy limit can reset up to two times in each policy year, covering you for up to $60 million dollars for all such claims made against you. These limits exceed the DBA insurance requirements.


Products liability

$20 million dollars cover, automatically included, for claims arising from damage or injury caused by products you provide or sell in relation to your practice. From toothbrushes to mouthguards you can provide great service to your patients, while we provide you with the confidence to do so.


Public liability

$20 million dollars cover, automatically included, for any one claim arising from property damage, or injuries caused in connection to your practice, such as a slip or fall, or damage accidentally caused to patient property in your care. Cover is also provided for any liability arising from advertising your practice. Your policy limit can reset up to two times in each policy year, covering you for up to $60 million dollars for all such claims made against you.


Standard features



Two hours free legal advice

Your policy comes with two hours of free legal advice, for non-claims related matters related to your business, every year. Whether you need some advice on employment matters, lease arrangements or contracts, you can seek initial advice from Meridian Lawyers at no additional cost.


Ability to practice overseas by arrangement

Your policy provides cover for working as a dentist abroad, excluding the USA and Canada, by arrangement. This means your policy can now respond to matters overseas, such as claims arising from good Samaritan acts that you may undertake overseas. It’s important to note that in most cases, we can only defend an action that is taken against you in an Australian Court of Law.


Cover for overseas volunteering

Your policy provides automatic cover for up to 60 days volunteering activities undertaken overseas, excluding the USA and Canada.


Good Samaritan counselling cover

Your Guild policy provides cover so you can seek counselling and support, at no cost in the aftermath of assisting in the aftermath of a traumatic event.


Cover for the use of botulinum toxin

Your policy covers you for the use of botulinum toxin and dermal fillers when used as part of a dental treatment plan provided within the scope of practice as permitted by the DBA.


Broad cover for libel, slander and defamation

It could be as simple as a passing comment on previous treatment provided to a new patient, or a mistaken quote in a social media post. Your policy will respond to assist your defence, should someone take action against you.


Broad inquiries cover

Broad cover for inquiries, specifically including private health fund and Medicare inquiries, in addition to Ahpra and DBA statutory inquiries.


Free pay by the month facility

Switching to pay by the month costs you no more than paying annually with Guild Insurance. You can switch any time, or switch back to annual, whenever you need.


Defined procedures cover

Cover for general practitioners who perform orthodontics, or surgical implants. This cover can provide an additional layer of certainty when undertaking procedures that have a greater risk than the majority of dental procedures.


Free cover in retirement

Automatic and guaranteed run-off cover in retirement, at no cost. This will protect you for any claims that arise from procedures undertaken prior to you ceasing practice.


Cover for treatment provided by others

Cover for your liability arising from the actions of employees, even without your direct supervision. This includes, sub-contractors, dental therapists and administration staff.

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RiskHQ, includes targeted clinical and dento-legal case studies, regulatory updates and claims examples to help you identify ways to reduce your practice risk, and earn CPD while doing so.